Node, nvm and npm

Windows is never developer friendly.

However, today I tried to setup a basic Reactproject from scratch on my Windows machine.

This machine already had nodeand npminstalled. But the versions were outdated and were not compatible with the webpackconfiguration for Windows 10.

I had to update nodeand npm, and it was not as simple as I had thought it would be.

Error #1

fsevents node-pre-gyp cannot find python windows

Solution #1

This thread pointed out about a bug in older npmversion and that it was fixed in npm @3.10.10.

Update npm

npm install npm@latest -g

npm -v still pointed to the old version, even though I restarted the command terminal.

The problem being npm PATH was missing from the environment variable.

Since there was already nodeinstalled, I had to set the npm PATH before node PATH.

Updating npmhelped me to install webpackand webpack-dev-server. When i tried running the Reactapp using npm run dev, I had an eslinterror. The project was configured to use eslint.

Error #2

use of const in strict mode

Solution #2

This thread pointed out that the above error would disappear on upgrading node to 4.x or higher version.

Update node

I needed nvm, to upgrade node to the latest version.

This link had the nvminstaller for Windows

The above installer required me to uninstall any existing versions of nodeand delete the existing npminstall location C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm

Updating npmbefore updating nodewas not useful, but it was a good learning lesson to know how to update npm.

With nvm, I could now install the latest version of nodeusing this command nvm install latest.

To use this latest version, I ran nvm use <latest-version>

With this, I successfully compiled a React project from scratch on a Windows machine!

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